What Happens During A Halo Treatment | Donaldson-澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网


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By Adrienne Yanich,注册会计师 |

What Happens During A Halo Treatment

What Happens During A Halo Treatment

A Complete Look At What You Can Expect From A 皮肤表面重修 Session

Halo laser skin resurfacing is an increasingly popular cosmetic procedure that improves the texture, tone and overall appearance of your skin. Whether you’re looking to reduce fine lines, 皱纹, 疤痕或晒伤, this non-surgical treatment 可以 be an effective, 一次澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网.

As you consider this incredible option for your skin concerns, we wanted to first walk you through everything that happens during a Halo treatment, from preparing for your visit to the recovery process.

一步 0: The Consultation & 评估

激光皮肤换肤之旅始于与我们合格的供应商之一的咨询. 在最初的会面中,你们将讨论自己的目标、担忧和病史. 你的医生会检查你的皮肤来决定你是否适合做这个手术.

光晕是安全有效的,几乎每一个皮肤类型,无论你的位置 Fitzpatrick 皮肤 Type Scale. 然而, certain skin concerns may lend themselves to other treatments. This will be discussed during your consultation!

一步 1: Preparing For The Procedure

在实际澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网之前,你会收到关于如何准备的具体指导. This often includes avoiding certain medications, 停止使用含有类维生素a的护肤品,并使用防晒霜来保护皮肤免受紫外线的伤害. 酒精消费, 晒黑, 化学换肤, 在预约之前,应该避免深层面部护理和注射, 也. 

来访前, 你也会被要求填写你的澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台同意书,并确保你已经回答了所有关于澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网的问题,这样你就可以充满澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网地走进办公室. 

Paige Preparing A Patient For Halo 皮肤表面重修

一步 2: Numbing The 皮肤

Average Numbing Time: 30 – 60 minutes

On the day of the procedure, 我们的一位皮肤护理专家将首先清洁皮肤,并应用局部麻醉或局部麻醉麻醉澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网区域. 我们将解释你的内容后光晕带回家套件作为麻木剂达到其最大的效果. The topical anesthetic is then removed and the skin is cleansed again. 

If you are particularly nervous about your Halo procedure, we also offer Pro-Nox 一种安全、快速的止痛吸入剂,在你离开办公室之前就会逐渐消失. We don’t consider Halo a particularly painful treatment, but the discomfort associated is handled differently among various patients! 

“光晕是一种全脸激光澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网,与‘全身’澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网不同. A full-field treatment involves taking off the epidermis and dermis. 光晕使你的皮肤完好无损,但在上面戳了一些有策略的洞——我喜欢开玩笑说,这就像给你的院子充气一样!”

——adrienne Yanich,注册会计师
Halo Laser Device Being Used On Patient

一步 3: The Laser Treatment Begins

Average Session Time: 30 – 45 minutes 

您和您的医生将首先配备专门的护目镜,以避免激光对眼睛造成伤害. 然后,光晕装置被小心地引导沿着你的皮肤表面分段. 

“根据我们需要解决所有皮肤问题的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网深度和能量,每个澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台都有一个定制的Halo澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网方法, along with the downtime available. 会议期间, 我们在皮肤上多次使用激光,直到我们在该区域达到所需的能量.”

——adrienne Yanich,注册会计师

The Device Uses Two Different Types Of 激光: Ablative & 未消融

  • 烧蚀激光去除受损皮肤的薄层,并精确地创建进入皮肤的通道. This is particularly useful for fine-line finishing. 
  • 非烧蚀激光(或凝固激光)在皮肤上产生可控的“微损伤”,有效地刺激胶原蛋白的产生,而不损害皮肤表面. This helps to establish a more even tone. 

Optional: PRP For Enhanced Healing 

富血小板血浆(PRP)是从血液中提取的身体自然生长因子的集合. PRP 可以 be used to expedite the healing process. 然而, 并不是所有的PRP都是平等的,这一步可能会减缓澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网并扼杀结果. 您的供应商将提前讨论您的生长因子的质量,以决定您是否是此串联产品的候选人. 

一步 4: Post-Treatment Care 

激光换肤手术后,你的皮肤会很敏感,需要特别护理. 您的医生将提供详细的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网后指导,其中可能包括:

  1. 使用提供的水雾喷雾和风扇来帮助缓解晒伤感
  2. 使用澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网后用品来保持皮肤湿润,促进皮肤愈合
  3. 尽量减少暴露在阳光下,经常使用防晒霜来保护皮肤免受紫外线的伤害
  4. Avoiding harsh products and exfoliants
Halo 皮肤care After Treatment

一步 5: An Easy Recovery & “光环辉光” 

恢复期的长短取决于澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网期间消耗的能量. 也就是说, 大多数患者在就诊后1 - 6小时内才会有明显的晒伤感. 

During the recovery period, you 可以 expect your skin to go through various stages, 包括发红, 点, 点, 剥, 和剥落. This is a natural part of the healing process as your skin regenerates. 严格按照医生的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网后护理指导来确保最好的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网效果是至关重要的.

“在光晕之后,你能如此迅速地恢复的原因是每个激光都经过相同的路径. 这条通道会立即封闭,从而防止开放性伤口,并大大减少感染.”

——adrienne Yanich,注册会计师

一步 6: Your Next Appointment & Post-Treatment Facial

The full effects of Halo 可以 often be experienced in just one session. 然而, 你可能没有足够的休息时间,或者你的皮肤问题可能更顽固——比如更深层次的纹理问题. 这可能需要后续的光晕澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网,以确保你得到最好的结果. We do not recommend more than three treatments per year.

唐纳森独有的, 我们还在您的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网后7 -10天提供免费的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网后面部护理,以进一步巩固您的效果. 

Adrienne Yanich RN Author Bio


Adrienne Yanich,注册会计师, is an expert aesthetic provider in Columbus, Ohio. She specializes in performing top-quality laser skin resurfacing treatments, along with 肉毒杆菌 and filler injections. From the initial consultation to the post-treatment recovery, Adrienne的目标是帮助每位患者充分理解过程的每一步,这样您就可以做出明智的决定,看看Halo是否适合您.


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